Thursday, November 28, 2013

odds and ends...

A few pictures from my NYC trip in October to share with you...

an interesting riff on Edvard Munch's Scream...

fashioned from burlap for Halloween...

Antrhopologie at Chelsea Market's interpretation of the book theme...

a somewhat aerial view...

Anthro does autumn...
the beginning of a stellar holiday display...

I love these globe shaped light fixtures...


Munch in black and white...


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Better late than never?!

Due to circumstances beyond my understanding, I was unable to download these pictures until today.  My trusty Canon Point and Shoot stopped talking to my computer at the end of October.  I guess it's jealous of the Canon Rebel that I prefer to use now and acted out...

Arrival at the Jane Hotel in NYC
fall foliage ...

the goblins on Jane Street...

Had to put this picture in... btw, they have great shoes...
love the colors in this outdoor display....

entrance to the Manhattan Vintage Show...

a wooden spiral staircase waiting to be installed in a home on Jane Street...

Picolo Angelo on the corner of Jane Street has the best Italian food...

Mole Restaurant on another corner of Jane Street is my go-to for Mexican food...

a pleasant place to stop for an adult beverage and a snack while on a walk...

the market on Bleecker Street which hosts a group of artists and artisans...

Sheila Strong's (aka fool's gold) business card
I am buying a gorgeous bakelite bracelet from her...
this is the website for swaneegrace, where I bought my vintage dress...
La Poubelle Vintage shared a booth with her at the vintage show...

this is how I get around NYC...

an off Broadway play I saw with a NYC friend and her husband...
 it was such a  good show...

my window at the Jane as I ready to depart from NYC once again...

My mini...

This is my vintage mini dress from the Manhattan Vintage Show at the end of October.  I love the bright colors and the crazy patterns.  It's from SwaneeGrace and she has a shop on Etsy. 


Check it out!


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

a sunny day in nyc


a corner pub filled with customers



my favorite American Apparel store, filled with the best selection of clutches



a structure in progress



 some of the architectural designs I love in nyc



a local pub sign gets a touch up



Sullivan Street Tea and Spice shop



beautiful metal sculpture

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

china bus-ing it to nyc...


a blur of green foliage from my China bus seat...


communication tower...



Crystal City...



the mall and the capitol...




artistic billboards...



  old red brick and the decorative cornices... 




the colors of Chinatown in D.C....



the bus stop in Chinatown...


portion of arch grillwork of bridge leaving D.C....

on to New York...