Monday, July 16, 2012

Ready, set, go!

Well, I am booked for the IFB Conference.  Taking the China bus back and forth, staying at the Jane Hotel and sharing a bathroom with unknown others and being the oldest female fashion blogger in the room.  But this time, I am prepared not to be invisible... no matter what.
So NYC be prepared for fireworks on Mercer St.  News at 11.

On another note, I found out that J. Crew will not be live streaming their fashion show on the 11th of September.  So I guess we will have to wait to see what Mickey and his crew dreamed up...


Hoping that Susie Lau of Style Bubble shows up.  I sent her the info and as it segues into NY Fashion Week on the 6th, maybe there will be a siting...

Ciao, bellas

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