Sunday, June 16, 2013

ssshhh... the goods are in the house...

my handwritten ticket from Squashapenny, $26.25!
with a turtle drawn by Suzanne who admired my turtle pendant from a vintage dealer in NYC...

wooden cigar box...

what should I file away in this?

two vintage European postcards...

my new vegetable can aka vase?!

brass stencil of letter "M" and a huge safety pin...

This box did not come from Squashapenny, but through my friend, Carolyn.  She purchased it from a man... it was used to package canned meats by the Libby Company many years ago...
my new treasure box!


I woke up at 6 am and crept outside to my car under the guise of returning some rope and a drop cloth to my husband.  I just happened to find some other items in my car trunk that I decided to bring in!
I am looking forward to incorporating them into my backroom/workroom...